Bible Reading Schedule


Bible Reading Tips and Resources

The Teaching Home’s Unique Bible Reading Schedule

Month-by-Month Schedule

Other Online Reading Schedules

Bible Reading Tips and Resources

“Worldly worldview in; worldly worldview out.”
We can counteract the influences around us in no better way
than by immersing our family in God’s truth.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).

Add to Your Bible Reading

  • Meditation
  • Memorization
  • Discussion (throughout the day)
  • Application (to practical situations)

When Reading Your Bible

  • Seek for God in His Word.
  • Note instructions to obey.
  • Find and trust promises.
  • Observe good (and bad) examples.

How To Come to Your Bible Reading

  • Pray for understanding.
  • Be right with God and others.
  • Be eager to hear God’s Word.
  • Be willing to do His will.

How To Interpret the Bible

Although most of the Bible is straightforward and clear,
the following principles will help ensure that you come to an
accurate understanding of God’s words to you:

  • Stay true to the context of the passage.
  • Use standard word definitions and grammar rules.
  • Observe literary forms.
  • Explore background of history, geography, and customs.
  • Compare Scripture with Scripture; it will agree with itself.
  • Use clear passages to interpret unclear passages.
  • Look up difficult words in the Greek or Hebrew.

Use Bible Study Tools

Bible reference books can greatly help you and your
family study God’s Word.

  • Bible Handbook
  • Subject Index & Chain Reference (in Bible)
  • Topical Bible
  • Interlinear Bible
  • Hebrew & Greek Lexicons
  • Concordance
  • Maps
  • Commentaries
  • Parallel Bible
  • Bible Dictionary
  • Bible Encyclopedia
  •  You can build your own Bible reference library book by
    book. Many of these study helps are available free online at:

Bible Reading Tip

You can listen to an audio recording of the Scriptures
while following along in your own Bible. This is especially
helpful to get through the names in the Old Testament
and to keep the pace from getting bogged down.

Listen to the Bible Online

Christian actor George Sarris narrates the King James
Version of the Bible word-for-word at:
The Audio Bible

Bible Study Resources

You may obtain Bible curriculum and study helps from many of the fine home-school publishers and suppliers that have
been approved for advertising in The Teaching Home.

You may link to their websites at: Select “Classified Resources” on the
yellow file folders and then choose “Bible.”

The Teaching Home
Unique Reading Schedule

We have designed a unique Bible reading schedule with
the following features:

  • Start any month.
  • Read 6 days a week (allows for church on Sunday).
  • Read 4 weeks per month (24 days per month).
  • This gives you 4-7 days per month, counting the
    Sundays, to catch up and stay on schedule.


Week 1 _______________
Gen. 1-4 Ps. 1 Matt. 1
Gen. 5-9 Prov. 1:1-7 Matt. 2
Gen. 10-14 Ps. 2 Matt. 3


Column 1: Complete Bible (minus Psalms and Proverbs)

Column 2: Psalms and Proverbs

Column 3: Optional Second Reading of New Testament

These selections may be combined in different ways.
For example:

You may want to do one or two family readings of
Columns 1 and 2 and use Column 3 for private or school reading.

Alternatively, if you have very young children, you may
want to do Columns 2 and 3 for your family reading and
Column 1 for your private reading.

You can read through the Bible in one year with your family by spending just 15 or 20 minutes a day.

Carefully and prayerfully reading the Bible through every year will do more to keep one correct in his interpretation of the Bible’s various parts than anything else one could possibly do.

If we compare the time we spend in God’s Word with the worldly influences that come into our family’s lives, 15 to 20 minutes a day seems small indeed!

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2).

There are audio recordings of the Bible that you can listen to with or without following along in your own Bibles. This is especially helpful to get through the names in the Old Testament and to keep the pace from getting bogged down.

The Teaching Home Unique Reading Schedule

Unique 6-day week, 4-week month readings allow for Sunday evening church, start in any month, and “catch-up” days. Psalms and Proverbs are read throughout the year with daily Bible reading of complete Bible. Optional second reading of New Testament also included.

Other Online Schedules

The following websites have schedules and/or text for Bible reading.