Setting Goals, Home-School Basics

Setting Goals for Excellence

Taking time to think and pray about what you want to accomplish will give direction to your efforts and allow your children to achieve the excellence of education and character that is potentially theirs as Christian home schoolers under your care and tutelage.

How To Set and Reach Goals

Pray, study Scriptures, and discuss with your family what God wants for each person in each area of life.

Write out and post general long-range goals, making them more specific as individual strengths or callings appear.

Make a flexible plan for reaching these goals (e.g., high school courses by age 17 or 18; college degree, trade proficiency, and/or professional certification in 20s.) (Back Issue: Jan./Feb. ’00)

Break down goals into objectives to be reached each year, quarter, month, or week, leaving details to be planned close to the time for implementation.

Prioritize goals and make your schedule reflect your priorities.

Read Scriptures and pray together about specific objectives. Design projects or assignments to correct deficiencies.

Set an example by working toward your own goals and welcoming evaluation.

Carefully teach skills, allowing time for supervised and then independent practice. Hold children responsible for diligence during allotted work times.

Frequently evaluate progress and update goals.


Goal Areas

Spiritual and Moral.

Our children’s salvation is our first priority. Then follows: knowing God and His will through daily study of His Word as a family and individuals; responding in love and obedience to Him; prayer; Christian fellowship; and ministry to others. Establish scriptural standards of behavior through example, teaching, discipline, and training. (Back Issue: Jan./Feb. ’98)


Basic skills (reading, writing, math, logic) must be mastered so children can acquire and communicate knowledge in other subjects. Meet and exceed legal requirements, using the efficiency of home education to achieve excellence.


Social skills include understanding others, communication, cooperation, managing conflict, leadership, and lovingly meeting the needs of others. There are many opportunities to practice social skills in the context of normal family life within the home, church, and community. (Back Issue: Summer ’00)


Life skills that should be acquired include the ability and willingness to work cheerfully and efficiently without supervision, following instructions and discharging responsibilities. Many practical skills can be learned over the years. (Upcoming Issue: July/Aug. ’01)


Good stewardship of our bodies includes establishing habits of nutrition, hygiene, and exercise that maintain health and fitness. (Back Issue: July/Aug. ’99)

(Back Issue: May/June ’97)